(Issued January 30, 2019)
Rotary District 5010
Call for Resolutions
Consideration at the District Conference
(May 3 - 5, Anchorage)
Each Rotary year, individual clubs in good standing and the Council of Governors have the opportunity to recommend changes to the District 5010 Manual of Procedure thereby ensuring that their contents are current and support the District’s needs.
Resolutions, which present a firm decision to do or not to do something, fulfill three purposes: recognition, amendments to the District 5010 Manual of Procedure, and general purpose District 5010 resolutions, thus:
1.            Resolution of Recognition
Yearly, resolutions are submitted recognizing, acknowledging and thanking certain groups and/or individuals for service to Rotary District 5010 during the Rotary year.
The Administration Chair submits these resolutions.
2.            Resolution for Amendment
Yearly, clubs or the Council on Governors may submit for consideration Resolutions for Amendment that purport to correct or delete existing District 5010 Manual of Procedure language or add language to existing text.
3.            Resolution of General Purpose
Yearly, clubs may submit for consideration Resolutions of General Purpose that inform, persuade, or convey a goal.  Such resolutions may result from an RI directive, e.g. nominating an individual to serve on a Rotary committee.
4.          Council on Legislation and Resolutions
Annually, clubs or the Council on Governors may submit resolutions for consideration by Rotary International’s Council on Resolutions, while every three years, clubs or the Council on Governors may submit legislation which amends Rotary International’s governance documents at the Council on Legislation.
Examples of 1 to 3 are attached. Specific information will be provided soon about Council on Resolutions submissions by Jane Little (Homer Downtown), District 5010’s Council on Legislation representative.
Resolution Process
Prior to submitting a Resolution for consideration, a club’s board of directors must first submit their resolution in the proper format, signed by both the club president and secretary, after approval by a vote of members at a regular club meeting.  The resolution is sent via email by the deadline set out below to the District Governor, with a copy to the Administration Chair.
Once received, the District Governor, in conjunction with the Manual of Procedure Review Committee, will determine whether or not the proposed resolution conflicts with RI’s Constitution, By-Laws or Manual of Procedure, and request the submitter, as necessary, to make changes.  If not, the resolution will be sent on to the Administration Chair which will prepare the resolutions for distribution by the District Governor and to the president of each club and all Past District Governors.  These resolutions will be voted up or down or amended at the Annual Business Meeting.
Should you any questions please contact Don Poulton at 907-863-2268 or poulton@mtaonline.net.  It is hoped that having questions answered during resolution preparation will be helpful.
Email resolutions to District Governor Diane Fejes at ndfejes@gmail.com, with a copy to Administration Chair Don Poulton at  poulton@mtaonline.net by March 15, 2019.
Emergency Resolutions
Proposed resolutions may be submitted after the deadline and considered during the Annual Business Meeting if two thirds of the club presidents in attendance consider that its consideration is necessary for the District’s needs (District 5010 Manual of Procedure Article XIII.)
Resolution Format
The attached templates set out the information needed and prescribed format for resolutions. If suggesting a modification to the 2018 D5010 Manual of Procedure, underline any language to be added or [bracket] language to be deleted.  A General Resolution Format is attached for your use in preparing your resolution(s).
Please submit your resolution(s) in Word.  Each resolution will be displayed on a video screen and discussed during the Annual Business Meeting.  Any agreed to changes will be so noted in Word’s “track changes” for all to see. They will then be attached to the Annual Business Meeting minutes and included in the Manual of Procedure.
District Manual of Procedure and By Laws
The current Manual of Procedure and Corporate By Laws can be found on the District Home Page under “Documents” and “Quick Links” at D5010 Information and Administration, respectively.
Questions or comments?  Please contact Don Poulton, Administration Chair, at 907-863-2268 (call or text) or poulton@mtaonline.net.
General Resolution Format
Resolutions of Recognition – Example
Resolution of Amendment – Example
Resolution of General Purpose - Example
General Resolution Format
Introductory Comments
Summary Description:
Insert a statement of purpose and effect not to exceed 300 words in order for the proposal to be considered. This statement should identify the issue or problem that the proposed resolution seeks to address and explain how the proposal addresses or resolves the problem or issue.
Impact (positive/negative/neutral) including monetary impact:
This resolution shall have an effective date of __________________________
District 5010 Manual of Procedure
A Resolution of Recognition
A Resolution to Amend District 5010 Manual of Procedure
A Resolution of General Purpose
Resolution No. _____________________
Resolution on ______
Whereas, this Resolution was adopted at a regular meeting of Rotary Club of _______ or at a meeting of the Council of Governors  on _______; and
Now, therefore, be it resolved that…
The Resolution language (if necessary).
NOW THEREFORE, in accordance with Article XIII of Rotary District 5010 Manual of Procedure it is resolved that the RI District 5010 Manual of Procedure be amended as follows:
ARTICLE ___– _______ Section ___ [Text]
Except as set forth in this Resolution/Amendment, the District 5010 Manual of Procedures shall remain in full force and effect.
The Rotary Club of _________/Council on Governors
__________________________                                             ___________________________
President/Chair                                                                          Secretary
Adopted during the Annual Business Meeting held during the District Conference in Anchorage, Alaska on May _____, 2019.
Conference Secretary                                                              Date
Number 1
Resolution of Recognition
Example Only
Introductory Comments
Title:  Thanking the District Governor for “Service Above Self”.
Summary Description:  Each Rotary Year District Rotarians thank the District Governor and others for their service during the Rotary Year.
Purpose/Objective:  To acknowledge and appreciate.
Impact (positive/negative/neutral) including monetary impact:  Neutral.  No monetary impact.
District 5010 Manual of Procedure
A Resolution of Recognition
Resolution No. __________
Resolution on Thanking District Governor Diane Fejes for her service during the 2018 - 2019 Rotary Year
Whereas Diane Fejes was the District Governor during the 2018 - 2019 Rotary Year:
Whereas District Governor Diane Fejes exemplified the 4-Way Test during this Rotary Year;
Whereas District Governor Diane Fejes demonstrated Service Above Self in all actions;
Whereas District Governor Diane Fejes is an inspiration to all Rotarians in Alaska and the Yukon and thereby Being the Inspiration and Changing the World for the better;
Whereas, this Resolution was adopted at a regular meeting of the Manual of Procedures Review Committee/Rotary Club of _____ on _____; and
Now, therefore, be it resolved that District Governor Diane Fejes be given the highest recognition and appreciation by District Rotarians for her leadership during this Rotary Year.
Except as set forth in this Resolution the District 5010 Manual of Procedures shall remain in full force and effect.
By the Rotary Club of _____/Council of Governors
__________________________                                             ___________________________
President/Chair                                                                          Secretary
Adopted during the Annual Business Meeting held during the District Conference in Anchorage, Alaska on May _____, 2019.
Conference Secretary                                                              Date
 Number 2
Resolution of Amendment
Introductory Comments
Title:   Article XIII, Amendments or Additions Correction
Summary Description:  Currently the MOP at Article XIII, Section 3, states that the District Awards and Resolutions Committee shall “…prepare and distribute copies of all resolutions proposed…” The Administration Committee is responsible for this action.
Purpose/Objective:  To properly state that the Administration Committee distributes proposed resolutions to the club presidents.
Impact (positive/negative/neutral) including monetary impact: Positive.  No monetary impact.
District 5010 Manual of Procedure
A Resolution to Amend District 5010 Manual of Procedure
Resolution No. _____________________
Resolution on Stating that the Administration Committee Distributes Proposed Resolutions.
Whereas at Article XIII, Section 3 states that the District Awards and Resolutions Committee shall prepare and distribute copies of all proposed resolutions to the President of each club and to all Past District Governors;
Whereas the Administration Committee performs this function;
Whereas the Manual of Procedures Review Committee reviews and approves all resolutions;
Whereas this Resolution corrects this by amending the Manual or Procedure to indicate that the Administration Committee prepares and distributes copies of all resolution to the President of each club, to all Past District Governors and Manual of Procedures Review Committee;
Whereas the Administration Chair presented this Resolution to the Rotary Club of _____/Manual of Procedure Review Committee;
Whereas, this Resolution was adopted at a regular meeting of Rotary Club of _____­­­­­­­/Manual of Procedure Review Committee on _______; and
Now, therefore, be it resolved that in accordance with Article XIII of the District 5010 Manual of Procedure, the District 5010 Manual of Procedure is hereby amended to delete the “District Awards and Resolution Committee” and insert “Administration Committee” in its place and state that the Manual of Procedures Review Committee likewise receives copies of all resolutions at Article XIII, Amendments or Additions, Section 3 thus:
Article XIII, Amendments or Additions
Section 3. The District Governor shall forward all resolutions received by the above date to the Administration Committee which shall prepare and distribute copies of all resolutions proposed to the President and Secretary of each club, to all Past District Governors and the Manual of Procedure Review Committee at least 30 days prior to the opening date of the District Conference. The chair of this committee shall present to the business meeting at the District Conference these resolutions for conference action.
Except as set forth in this Resolution/Amendment, the District 5010 Manual of Procedures shall remain in full force and effect.
The Rotary Club of _________/Council on Governors
__________________________                                             ___________________________
President/Chair                                                                          Secretary
Adopted during the Annual Business Meeting held during the District Conference in Anchorage, Alaska on May _____, 2019.
Conference Secretary                                                              Date
Number 3
Resolution of General Purpose
Introductory Comments
Title:  Rotary Clubs and Communities
Summary Description:  Encourage Clubs to actively participate in community events in Alaska and the Yukon.
Purpose/Objective:  To showcase Rotary in the towns in which we live.
Impact (positive/negative/neutral) including monetary impact:  Positive.  In some cases, Rotary is in the shadows.  This bring some of our clubs out into the sunshine.  Possible monetary impact at the club level and District if matching funds are made available.
District 5010 Manual of Procedure
A Resolution of General Purpose
Resolution No. _____________________
Resolution on encouraging Clubs to participate in community events
Whereas in some circles Rotary is considered a cloistered club;
Whereas this is not necessarily the case, encouraging clubs to actively participate in their community’s events may counter this perception;
Whereas community participation is in keeping with Service Above Self and the 4-Way Test;
Whereas, this Resolution was adopted at a regular meeting of Rotary Club of _____/Manual of Procedures Review Committee on _______; and
Now, therefore, be it resolved that the District Governor, Assistant District Governors, Club Presidents and Rotarians District-wide will actively pursue, and participate in, community events each and every Rotary Year.
Except as set forth in this Resolution/Amendment, the District 5010 Manual of Procedures shall remain in full force and effect.
By the Rotary Club of _____/Council on Governors
__________________________                                             ___________________________
President/Chair                                                                          Secretary
Adopted during the Annual Business Meeting held during the District Conference in Anchorage, Alaska on May _____, 2019.
Conference Secretary                                                              Date
Club requests appropriate section for MOP placement to be determined by District 5010 leadership.
Note to clubs: if you are unsure where an item should be included in the Manual of Procedure, you may indicate in the resolution that it is to be added to the District Manual of Procedure in the appropriate location and numbered accordingly.